Friday, February 11, 2011

Vampire power refers to the reality of electric use in electronics that are turned off yet plugged in. It is also referred to as Stand By and most electronics use this feature to run a digital clock or other little features while other electronics have stand by with out any features. Although it does not consume an excessive amount of electricity it still takes in unnecessary energy. contains a table of the amount of energy Vampire Power electronics use. Vampire powered products can use as much as 15 watts, but since 2001 laws have been placed in many developed nations where products containing stand by power can not exceed 1 watt. The laws have not been enforced.

Surge protectors can be bought to reduce the amount of energy the devices take during vampire power usage. The best way to reduce stand by power usage is to unplug all unnecessary devices that do not need to be plugged in when not in use.

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